Committee Members
Application Workshops
Title: SIP Application Workshop
Proponent : AARNET/MYREN
Schedule : 18-19 August 2011
Website :
Final Report : (Attached file – SIP Workshop Report)
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a mechanism becoming increasingly prevalent in Internet Multimedia Communications. SIP is an IETF standard that is well defined and understood, yet its implementation can vary between vendors. Despite these varying implementations we see value in the opportunity to forming peering relationships. Some of these benefits are listed (but not limited to) below:
Objectives of the workshop
The objective of this workshop is to give participants an Introduction to the Session Initiation Protocol, although we do cover some of the detail of various aspects of the protocol and briefly cover some more complex topics such as securing SIP peering. We aim to teach the fundamentals of SIP while reinforcing the teaching with experiential learning using practical lab work reflecting the theoretical teaching material. We hope that this knowledge can then be taken back to the workplace by participants and be applied to deploying their own SIP servers, peer with other interested parties and demonstrate applications which can be used across the GEANT and TEIN network.
Title: Implementing VClass LMS for Enabling Learning Environment among TEIN3 Member Countries
Proponent : NREN/CanalAVIST
Schedule : 30 September – 1 October 2011 (in conjunction with TEIN3 Annual NOC Workshop)
Website :
In the recent decades, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has appeared a valuable instrument for the development. All of the sectors associated with the development are hugely benefitted by its different tools and application, so it has become an inseparable part of the society. It is believed that Education sector is far ahead from other sector for its integration and the deployment. Due to its integration on education sector, the traditional form of teaching learning practices has been changing. Primarily, Learning Management System (LMS) are the key tools, responsible to change the conventional practices on education sector.
We have established TEIN3 connectivity, and have been exploring application that suits the current need of TEIN3 community. This connectivity circulates the new hopes for those countries struggling to meet their educational target. But without any educational application, TEIN3 will not be utilized maximum and will be far from the common users. Just relate the cases of Nepal, we have TEIN3 connectivity, all our network members have direct access on this network. Almost all of our network members are education institution and are seeking to get maximum benefit by this network. We found the fact that all our member accessing the TEIN3 network primarily for surfing the R&E materials as they had done through commodity Internet. Significant changes have not demonstrated, though we are near to a year celebration of the connection. The connections have established physical connectivity among the universities and the research institution, but the sides of application need to be addressed. Video conferencing facilities can be a boon to the educational institution and also an appropriate means for using TEIN3 network. LMS can be the facilitator for the video conferencing as well as sharing of resources.
After applying lot of efforts, the Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) of AIT has developed VClass, an open source LMS, specially designed to enhance the existing teaching learning environment. The most important benefit of the LMS is Web conferencing and also has the facilities of user account management, Student Registration, Class scheduling, performance tracking, grading, online chat, white board and screen sharing. This will be a good application for the TEIN3 beneficiaries' countries and their respected members for enhancing teaching learning practices and online conferencing.
Objectives of the workshop
Title: 'Sharing for Life' over the TEIN Network using HD Video Streaming Applications
Proponent : NREN/CanalAVIST
Schedule : TBA
Website : TBA
In the year 2010, almost a year back, NREN and CanalAVIST had organized a telemedicine workshop with the financial support of TEIN3 HRD 2010. Participants of the workshop were from Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Japan, Pakistan and the United States. In spite of its limitations, the workshop opened up a possibility of close and effective cooperation among clinicians in the region. It was clearly seen that with a better organization, the continued improvement in the information technology can make regular sharing of knowledge and skill among medical doctors a reality. Obviously, it will be for the benefit of sick people in the region.
The 2010 workshop, besides having meaningful discussions on a number of real clinical cases, also shared the experience gained in practicing e-health and tele-medicine among the participating organizations. This probably was the first initiatives conducted over the TEIN3 network in discussing real cases and all the participants felt that this needs to be continued. One of the expressions that were clear and loud at the workshop was "None of us can grow alone" and that we have to join hands together. Participating hospital from Thailand even offered to have formal relation with Nepali institutions through the network for meaningful practice of tele-medicine and tele-education.
During the workshop last year, we had partially deployed HD streaming technology. HD Streaming technology created a new avenue for clinical exchange and discussions among clinicians and the medical students. As we are exploring the tools which are less and less expensive, more and more accessible and more and more efficient, this will be the good solution for medical communities for promoting their medical consultation over its high speed TEIN3 network. We need to further explore the possibility of using HD streaming and other such technology to a larger extent.
Objectives of the workshop
Title: Scaling-up Disaster Risk Management Technologies in Asia using TEIN
Proponent : ASTI, Philippines
Schedule : TBA
Website : TBA
With the recent natural disasters that continue to affect South East Asia, data-intensive, time-critical applications, and fast access to conventional web-based resources is needed by those institutions that work closely on Disaster Risk Management.
Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) is one such resource and has already provided the Asia-Pacific region, through the National Research Education Networks, with a gateway for global collaboration, enabling more than 45 million users over 8,000 research and academic centers across the region to participate in joint projects with their peers in Europe and other parts of the world. TEIN has proven useful for typhoon forecasting in the Philippines, in partnership with Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD),allowing timely, accurate andultimately life-saving weather warnings to be given to the public, or in the German-Indonesian tsunami early-warning system for the Indian Ocean launched in November 2007.
It is expected that this workshop will further promote collaboration between the European and Southeast Asian researchers and institutions, and scale up the impact and value of TEIN3 in both regions.
Objectives of the workshop