smjoin/smclock- tools for multicast sending and receiving tests for ASM and SSM.
smclock/smclock6 send text strings containing date-and-time generated by system clock every seconds to a specific multicast group or channel. smjoin/smjoin6 can join the corresponding group (*, G) or channel (S, G) to receive the text strings and report the relatedinformation. (Note taht smjoin/smjoin6 can join multicast group or channel generated by any multicast application.)
smsnd/smrec-tools for sending and receiving short text messages in multicast environment. smsnd6/smrec6 are similar to smclock6/smjoin6, but the text strings are read from a text file and the strings are displayed in the stdout. smclock/smjoin/smclock6/smjoin6/smsnd6/smrec6 are handy tools to check the multicast support of the network.
smclock [-p 10002] [-ttl 10] [-sec 10] [-u]
smclock6 2001:250:ccce:: [-p 10002] [-ttl 10] [-sec 10] [-s 2001:da8:aaae::6] [-u] -sec 10 execution time = 10 seconds (-1 for infinit loop) -u set accuracy in microseconds smjoin [-s] [-p 1700] [-raw] [-c 10] [-k 1000]
smjoin6 ff3e::1234:4321 [-s 2001:250:ccce::] [-p 1700] [-raw] [-c 10] [-k 1000]
Server [ 2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]
linux:/# smclock6 ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235 -p 8000 -ttl 10 -sec 120
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.08........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.0..........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.0..........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.0..........]
linux:/# smjoin6 ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235 -p 8000 -c 10
ASM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:130:2001:254:8000::1234]#8000 26 bytes MSG (0)
ASM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:130:2001:254:8000::1234]#8000 26 bytes MSG (1)
ASM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:130:2001:254:8000::1234]#8000 26 bytes MSG (2)
Result: ASM packets can be received by this client from server
Server [ 2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]
linux:/# smclock6 ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235 -p 8000 -ttl 10 -sec 120
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.08........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.08........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.08........]
sending to ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1234#8000 [2008.08........]
linux:/# smjoin6 ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235 -p 8000 -c 10 -s 2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325
SSM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235]#8000 26 bytes MSG (0)
SSM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235]#8000 26 bytes MSG (1)
SSM: [2001:3c8:e100:c:208:ff:fe6d:7325]#43967 [ff7e:230:2001:254:8000::1235]#8000 26 bytes MSG (2)
Result: SSM packets can be received by this client from server
Note: smjoin6 works well with VLC or DVTS
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